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OGUD501 - Theory Into Practice: Comic Sans Criminal

Comic Sans Criminal
I looked at this website because the content is about a design debate, like mine will be, but for the font comic sans. It is a notoriously bad font, which designers hate, yet is used absolutely everywhere! This site highlights the fact, shows a little bit of info about it, real life examples and why it shouldn't be used.

Here is the home page, with a statement introducing the site.

A little bit of info on why it was made.

And where it became used.

And how it took over the world being used in serious documents and information.

Here are some real examples of where it has been used - I was debating whether to include real examples, or my own, and this website does both which I think is probably the best option for me.

Here the designer has made their own versions of comic sans being used, and an alternative font to show how it changes the tone. This shows a level of understanding because they have made their own examples rather than just looked at existing examples.

This shows when it should be used.

And to round it off, it makes you sign a pledge stating not to use the font. I think this is a good way to round it off as it gives a purpose to the content - I want results at the end of mine.

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