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COP3 - Study Support

Last year I had a study support session and that really helped me with my essay, especially coming up with a structure which I find hard. So I decided to book one early this time so I can make the most of the help.

I went in and said I wanted to look at the structure of the essay and what to include. I felt the session was very useful, because for some reason talking about it helped me think of more ideas/critiques I could include.


  • Instead of satisfying a need, they create one - WaterLogged, Ref Me
  • Sleep analyser - tracks sleep quality - unneccessary, even though it gives us satisfaction of doing something well. This is called self affirmation. 
  • We use these apps but don't know why
  • Apps make us lazy - RefMe - they take away responsibility to learn, but do we need that?
  • Are the fitness ones helpful?
  • Apps are fashionable - Strava run, myfitnesspal. Creates competition - like the sleep one as well, they create satisfaction in productiveness and performance
  • How dependant are we on apps
  • Billsplitter - useful if you are sharing a house
  • How intrusive are apps
  • Plethora of apps - some exist because they are fun to design i.e. weather apps
  • Focus group help
To Do:
  • Look at jstor and google scholar - terms like smartphone apps are useful
  • Intro 650
  • 750 - background and history, facts about apps
  • How useful apps are with examples, theory, focus group/primary research - 3 sections, 750wrds each
  • Critique of app - with examples of apps as mentioned above - makes us lazy, creates needs, unneccessary, dependant etc, focus group/primary research - 3 sections, 750 words each
  • Conclusion 650 words

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