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COP3 - Initial Idea

Initial Question Ideas
Initially, I was looking at a few different questions:

  • How has the internet changed the way we live life and digest information
  • Has it gone too far? Or has it adapted to our needs?
  • How has the web made life easier?
  • How has it improved awareness of global issues?
  • How has the internet made information more accessible?
  • Do we have an over-reliance on all things digital, and whats the impact of that?
  • Do we overuse the internet for everyday tasks?
  • Have apps improved everyday life, or have they disrupted it?
  • Has the internet adapted to our needs, or has it created them?

From this, I looked at how to focus it down, and what I was interested in. Internet is a vague term, so I wanted to narrow this down to websites and apps. I found a few websites when researching, but mainly apps, so I decided to narrow it down further and only focus on apps.

Areas of Interest
I want to look at how it has created or adapted our needs, and with a focus on lifestyle apps - apps that exist to improve everyday tasks. Therefore, I decided to roll with the working title 'Have apps improved everyday life, or have they disrupted it?' for now.

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