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COP3 - Lecture

Deep Approach

  • Independent engagement with material
  • Critical and thoughtful about idea and information
  • Relate ideas to own previous experience and knowledge
  • Sees the big picture
  • Relates evidence to conclusions
  • Examines logic of arguments
  • Interested in wider reading and thinking
  • Ongoing preparation and reflection

Everything you say in academic writing has to be substantiated by evidence


Rather than saying 'this could' 'this should' be more certain and say 'this does'

Avoid repeating the same words

Aim for precision. Don't use unnecessary words or waffle. Get straight to the point. Mak every word count

If there is some uncertainty over a point, use cautious language like may, might and could.

Avoid abbreviations and contractions (isn't/aren't)
Avoid slang words and phrases
Avoid vague terms

Alternatives to 1st person
Consideration has been given
The suggestion here is
It has been observed


Preliminaries - 
List of illustrations

The abstract
Statement of the problem
Methodological approach

Main body
Review of the literature
Logically developed argument
Result of investigation
Case study

Discussion and conclusion
Summary of conclusions


Key books/research sources/techniques I will be using and why
Summarises the question

Appendix is transcribe of interview and focus group at the end of the essay, and how to reference these 'appendix 1' etc

Project Self Assessment
  • Write down the major aims of the project
  • Give a brief summary of the work so far
  • Comment on your time management
  • Do you know what the final project will look like?

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