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OUGD501 - 'Ways of Seeing' Critical Analysis

Using the text Berger, J. (1972) 'Ways of Seeing', write one critical analysis of an advert which, in your opinion, reflects the logic of consumerism, or the social conditions of consumerism, discussed in the lecture 'Consumerism' (17/10/13). Use at least five quotes, referenced according to the Harvard system, in support of your argument.

Dolce and Gabbana
Sexual desire is a common theme in fashion advertisements, and it is no exception in this Dolce and Gabbana Spring 2013 collection as Berger says in The Way of Seeing, 'publicity increasingly uses sexuality to sell any product or service' (Berger, 1972, p144). 
The female model in the advertisement looks on to the camera while men surround her and try to look at her as though she is something to be worshipped, which can be supported by when Berger says 'you are observed with interest, but you do not observe with interest' (Berger, 1972, p133). It suggests that if you buy Dolce and Gabbana you will be transformed into someone who is envied and doted on by others, and you can look on because you are now seen as glamorous. This also shows the influence the woman holds over these men for being able to afford this product, and how 'those who have the power become lovable' (Berger, 1972, p143). This should satiate our desires for wanting to be seen as an elite class who other people want to aspire to and love, and should therefore persuade the viewer to buy this product so that they too can have this envious role in society. 
The fact that the woman is the focal point of the image while dressed in elaborate clothing and accessories, and the men are shirtless in plain trousers could suggest Berger's idea that 'those who lack the power to spend money become literally faceless' (Berger, 1972, p143). This can be supported by the fact none of the men are looking at the camera and are dressed in the same attire, therefore not attracting any attention and blending into the background. Their faces aren't something you remember from the advertisement, or even notice, as the viewer takes in the woman's appearance.
Although the three men can be seen as 'faceless', they are what society perceive as attractive - tall, dark and handsome. Featuring these trying to get the girls attention help support the idea that 'with this you will become desirable' (Berger, 1972, p144). The publicity is trying to reach out to the viewer that in order to become an object of desire, you need to buy this product, and that without it this vision isn't possible for you.
Another vision which isn't possible is the idyllic, beach setting that the publicity is set in. Although the viewer knows they can't go to this beach, as publicity 'cannot offer the real object of pleasure and there is no convincing substitute' (Berger, 1972, p132), it gives the viewer a look into the life of the people who wear these clothes. So if you were to buy the product it would make you feel that part of your identity is more like those in the publicity and you have an illusion that you are a glamorous and powerful person, when in actual fact you 'will be poorer by having spent (y)our money' (Berger, 1972, p131). 

Berger, J. (1972). Ways of Seeing. Great Britain: Penguin Books.

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