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OUGD504 - Design for Print and Web: Website Research

I started looking at some cafe websites to see what they have included and the layout etc.

The rest of the branding for Zeller is really good, and I think that the website lets it down. The printed material is monochrome and contemporary, and I think the website needs to be recognise that more - although they have used black the lowered opacity doesn't give the full effect. I think that the image overpowers the text because it is quite small and doesn't stand out a lot. I think if the boxes were in 100% opacity black it would look a lot better, or not have a full background image.

I really like this wordpress template for a restaurant, and think there are a lot of good aspects to it, if it were for a big restaurant. I like the boxes on the image slider as it gives more of a purpose to it rather than being just an image. I think it is very consistent, and the lowered opacity works well here as the text is still readable and it is done in the right places unlike the previous example.

I assume this website is a parallax scroll because it is so long. I think this kind of website would work for mine because there are only three pages that don't need to link to more pages and so would be very simple. I think the layout of this website is easy to digest because of the consistent margins and similar page designs. A fixed navigation bar would make parallax scrolling easy to use because the user wouldn't have to scroll to jump to another section of the site.

Although this website is very busy, I quite like it because the organised grid makes it easy to digest. I like the text box over the image slider and how it is slightly larger. There is a simple three colour scheme, which is what I will have. I think by having just the accents in yellow, it isn't too overpowering and it works really well.

This is a more simple layout to the previous example, and just as effective. The navigation is big and clear, and the full size background image gives the user an insight to what it looks like as well as some links on top.

I then looked at Costa as it is an existing coffee shop, and found it had a full width slider/image on all their pages. This has helped keep it consistent, but I think the rest of the layout is quite bland with the four images and text underneath. On the footer they have the cup design pattern on the sides and I like this effect because it keeps it consistent with the printed material aspect.

I then looked at the Starbucks website, and unusually on their home page instead of an image slider, they have a videos showing their products and news. I think this is slightly strange as I don't know who would watch them unless they were TV/internet adverts.  The rest of the website is also quite bland, although it does the job and it needs to be easy to navigate through so I think it is appropriate. It looks very clean and it does have easy functionality - more contemporary than the Costa website.

This a website for the New Conservatory in Leeds, which is a cafe/bar that has a library. At first I thought it was a contemporary and well presented website because of the full width slider, monochrome colour scheme and high quality photographs. I think it could be really good, but there are a few things that I would personally change such as the slider transitions (reminds me of PowerPoint animations) and the dropshadows on some headings etc. 

I feel like the layout of the rest of the website has been ignored, for example here there isn't enough padding between the text and the image of the bodycopy, and in the reserve a table box. I also think there needs to be a bigger margin between this and the footer.

I really like the layout of this website, I think it is very clean and functional. I think because there is good photography, good margins and padding as well as a good colour scheme and the text on top of the images, it isn't bland at all and works really well together. 

I quite like this website, it's quite image based so the text isn't too overpowering, and I think the colours and images compliment the tone of voice and image of the cafe. It is a standard layout, which seems to be common with cafe websites, but it's functional and it needs to be easy to digest because people go to it to learn something.

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