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OUGD503 - Responsive: BEAR - Further Research/Bodycopy

When designing the packs we decided we needed more specific research, particularly on the Rivers box.
I also started writing the bodycopy

I started writing down more facts:

River Facts


8 species of bears

During the Winter, bears go into a deep sleep called Hibernation. They wake up again in Spring. They don't need to eat or drink. They do this because there is no food in Winter

Incredible sense of smell

Brown bears can give birth during hibernation

Bears have two layers of fur - a long layer to keep water away from the short fur and skin, and a short layer to keep the bear warm

Black bears, grizzly bears


Caspien lake is largest in the world
Great lakes of America, michigan, superior 

Finland has 187,000 lakes Land of the Thousand Lakes


Salmon can be found in Atlantic and Pacific oceans as well as inland lakes like the Great Lakes

Salmon migrate to the Pacific ocean - how far do they travel? 
Some go as far as Japan before coming back to the river they were both.

Salmon are born in rivers, and then swim into the sea where they live most of their adult life. They then come back to the rivers they were born which is called the salmon run and they jump.

They can feel what season it is, and swim back to where they were born even after travelling for years and thousands of miles into the sea.

They can find the right stream to spawn (lay eggs) just by the smell of it

During the salmon run, they swim back to the river they were born, jumping over waterfalls. The highest recorded jump is 12ft!


They are the largest land mammal in England.
They can jump nearly 10ft - that's as many as ten of these cereal boxes!

They thump loudly on the ground if they get scared to let other rabbits know!
When they are happy they 'binky' - where they jump and hop around!
Some females can have up to 8 litters in one year!
Rabbits teeth never stop growing throughout its life!


Tree Stump
You can tell how old a tree is by counting its rings! 

You can count how old a tree is, by how many rings it has!
1 ring = 1 year !

Grey Squirrels are quite the gardeners, planting thousands of trees a year by forgetting where they buried 74% of their acorns!

The Great Horned Owl gets its name from the tufts of feathers on their head - they look like horns!

Despite pecking up to 12,000 times a day, woodpeckers don't get headaches!

Red Crossbill
The female Red Crossbill is actually yellow!

Tree 1
Big Tree Facts : The tallest tree in the world today is a Giant Sequoia named General Sherman - he's 275ft tall!
Tree 2
Big Tree Facts: A famous Oak Tree called Major Oak served as a shelter for Robin Hood and his merry men in Sherwood Forest. It has a waistline of 33ft!


Build your own table-top treetop!

Using a pair of scissors to… 


Always make sure you have adult supervision!


Males are immediately recognizable by their huge antlers, which can spread 6 feet (1.8 meters) from end to end.

The American Bald Eagle isn't actually bald.

The marmot hibernates for up to nine months a year, and loses 20 percent of it's body fat in this time.

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