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OUGD501 - Constructing The Other

This example of advertising shows a man and woman in Calvin Klein underwear laid next to each other. 'Publicity increasingly uses sexuality to sell any product or service', and this is apparent in this advertisement. It could be argued that the couple have just had sex because they both appear sweaty, are wearing underwear and laid next to each provocatively - this would appeal to consumers because they like this idea of sensual sex, and want this in their life. 
The advertisements suggests that they are both irresistible as they are wearing Calvin Klein underwear, and that with this product 'you will become desirable'. The couple are what is generally seen in advertisements - in their 20s, have toned, slim bodies and are wearing designer clothing. This is what society depicts as beauty and so would encourage buyers to get the product so that they can be part of this lifestyle and fit in with what society expects of people.
They are both looking away from the camera with their eyes closed, which allows the viewer to look at them in a voyeuristic manner and impose on their personal lives without being challenged by them. This is so the viewer can envy what they have without feeling ashamed about it, and Berger says they are more envious because 'the more impersonal they are, the greater the illusion'. 
The woman is clinging to the man's underwear which not only shows how attractive and sexy the underwear is, but if men buy this product they will have women clinging to him. This is supported by when Berger says 'if you are able to buy this product you will be loveable', referring to when sexuality is used in adverts, like here. This is something men want, or feel they need, to fit in with the idea that men should be irresistible to women and have competent relationships.
It would also appeal to men because it is a fantasy image of a woman - she is wearing high heels while clutching him while he has a cool, calm expression. Although this is something that can be possible in real life, it doesn't happen and is just out of the buyer's grasp, which makes them want to buy the product as 'publicity is effective precisely because it feeds upon the real'. 
The scale of the advertisement and the fact the woman is looking away allows women to look at the model and then she can 'imagine herself transformed by the product into an object of envy for others'. This make them think that if they buy this product, they have the opportunity to look like this woman. 

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