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OUGD406 - Speaking From Experience

We had a crit today, and presented our ideas on three boards:

This is the feedback that we got:

'Look into finishing techniques especially with the cover as an emboss.'

'Make sure the symbols are legible designs to define them.
Be careful with perforating a ready made book, you might damage other pages.'

'Broad subjects - be precise in each one.
Very pictoral - keep it simple to an extent - don't overwhelm the viewer.
Format is well thought out - would you do the foil blocking at college?'

'Own experience of food is good to put in. The idea of including your own recipes is a great idea. 
Dust jacket experiments sound really interesting, maybe a range of jackets could be produced catering towards different audiences?'

'Canvas a broad range of people for contents.
Really like the scoring methods although could be location specific.
Infographics effective
Ensure everything is consistent.'

'Colour co-ordinate each section
Two-three colours
Map - wallet size.'

'Calling it a bible - how will it stick to your meme?'

'Friendly and light-hearted approach.
Keep illustrated - will keep the theme relaxed for new people.
Good idea with bible - maybe have 10 GD commandments.
Look at comparisions but maybe style totally different.'

There are some really good points here, like having 10 GD commandments - as that fits in with the bible theme. Everyone was really positive about the idea, so I think it has given me and Sarah confidence to go through with it, as we have been a bit apprehensive of how ambitious we are being.

I really like this type of crit, and think it would be really beneficial to do them more frequently. It is good experience to stand up and talk to the group about ideas, but not too daunting as it isn't the whole class. I think having a third year in the crit was also really helpful, and I think the feedback was really constructive. I think because there was only a handful of people, we all gave each other good feedback, cause if it was the whole class then people would have gotten bored towards the end I think.

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