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OUGD401 - Creative Advertising and New Media

Advertising Strategy (Emotive)
Required speaking to the masses
global print campaigns
Imagery of Britannia and Royalty suited all domestic and imperial markets
High feeling strategy (signs - patriotism and empire)

High Feeling Strategy Today
Remember Reach Campaign (2010) AgencyTwoFifteen and AKQA
Launch film Birth of a Spartan - announce Reach Beta
3 x Films prior and fourth film released after website debut
Doomed planet films 700 million Spartans fight to end
High feeling strategy: loss, hope remembrance 
Audience involved emotionally, creatively and part of ads

Old and New Communication Models
Old: transmission
Transmit ideas to an audience
New: cybernetic
Engage with an audience
Via computer

news media based on.. (ICTs) such as the internet and cell phones, invite us to think in exciting new ways about advertising, as an industry and... communication process (Spurgeon 2008)

Kaiser Chiefs had an idea to get people talking about their album, they recorded 20 new songs, and got fans to choose ten, make their own album and album cover for £7.50. 

New Media Model
Advertising and New Media (Spurgeon 2008)
Shift from Mass to My media
More targeted (mobile)

Audience involvement:
1. voluntarily passing viewing ads (virals)
2. creating spoofs or filming events
More Personalised

Viral: unpaid advertising
Defintion 'unpaid peer to peer communication of provoative content originating from an identified sponsor using the internet to persuade or influence an audience to pass along the content to others' Southgate, et al, 2010, p350.

New Ways of Communicating
Viral ads becoming part of our conversations
BMB after labour account
May Elections 2010 
Sent to Friend
From talk about to talk with
Trevor Beattie (BMB) Hello Boys and FCUK

Two Conversations
Three Little Pigs viral 992
Recession and Riots
Client The Guardian
TV and Print
Celebration of NM itself; citizen journalism, open platform collaboration
Idea transform brand from newspaper to global news hub
modern news is dynamic, participative with open dialogue (Gonsalves, 2012) Head of Strategy, BBH London

Conversation three Invisible Children Campaign
R4 ICC Congo warlord Lubanga guilty 30yrs
March 5 released
3 days 26 million views, 5th 63m
Oprah Winfrey tweeted 5th March with 9.7 million followers
the most successful manipulation of our new media ecosystem to date

Beattie The Big Creative Idea
Internet biggest idea since the wheel
Enables lots of small ideas to circulate
'that combination of a trillion little ideas is in itself the biggest idea there is... I think we are at the most interesting point of communications history ever..' (2010, LCA)

Viewer-generated Content
Case study Coke-Mentos
Viewer generated advertising worth US$10 million to Mentos 'more than half its annual advertising budget' (Spurgeon, 2008, p1)
New media threatens the top-down communication model
Audiences are actively managing media culture

Creating a Dialog
Paul Burns (TBWA) 'talking with audience'
40 million Old Spice
Responding to a tweet
The making of Old Spice: copywriter and art director Craig Allen and Erik Kallman W & K
Released adjacent to the American Superbowl most viewed sports event 106.5m viewers
Actor ex footballer/superbowl player ran Online then TV
SFM (search engine marketing) keywords Superbowl commercial - appeared in paid google column 

10 Reasons why this is the best time to be in advertising
An audience with Sir John Hegarty, 25.3.10 LCA
No. 1 Agencies can innovate e.g NYC Tourism Campaign
The idea NYC = street culture = street musicians
Linked 2 campaigns Dig Out Your Soul album. New album tracks released to NYC street musicians to play.
Announcements made websites with google maps
Performances video recorded fans and uploade YouTube

Mobile phones will soon become the greatest tool for persuasion, more so than any other medium for advertising (Fogg, 2003)

Fogg (2003) primarily due to their kairos factor:
The principle of presenting the desired message at the oppurtune moment.

  • Location
  • Routine
  • Goals
  • Task
  • Okazaki article (2009)

What is the impact of new media?
On the advertising agency
Industry debate
Mashup 09
'Structuring the company to be social from the inside is necessary' Patrick (2009)
Digital Creatives (third role)
Work with AD CW
'Advertising is such a limiting title now' Andy Fowler (ECD) Brothers and Sisters
Impact NM a third layer communication

Putting Brands in Peoples Hands
Philosophy of Brothers & Sisters
No medium is dying e.g print
Media different role in a narrative
Traditional announcements
Levis Go forth beautifully crafted photography
Wrangler Jeans interactive site like Remember Reach
NM up-close and tactile
Craft and creatives more important than ever
Golden age

Levi's Go Forth campaign
Highly crafted film and photography
Walt Whitman poetry
Global Go Forth Campaign
Wieden and Kennedy
Launch film Facebook
Cinema, then TV

Illustrating the future Nike
Give people tools - life enhancing
Google and Facebook model
Nike plus - how run record
Nike grid - training aid into game
London transformed game-board app
Overlay of experiences

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