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OUGD405 - Typogateaux

We have to create a cake that resembles an existing letterform or glyph. I went on Pinterest and started looking at different cakes once I drew some initial ideas.

 As I had the idea of making a scrabble cake, I found two examples.

As I like serifs and fruit flavoured cakes, I thought this was a really good example.

I also had an idea of creating a typewriter style cake, and found this really good example. I like how it is made onto cupcakes.

There was always going to be a helvetica cake somewhere.

This cake fits in with my idea of creating the world map and having wire sticking out of it to fit little slabs of cake on top, with letters carved out.

 Another example of scrabble cake - this is the type of thing I vision going on top of the wire for the world map cake idea.

Here is a bundt red velvet cake - if I wanted to do the letter 'O' then a bundt cake tin would be ideal. Red velvet is also very christmassy.

 I thought this would be a good idea to replicate, as I made note of in my initial ideas.

I thought this would be good to keep to reference to.

Research for the world map idea cake

After looking through cupcakes, I think this would be a better idea than having slabs of icing for what will be stuck through the wire, as it would be more durable. 

This is a key lime cupcake, and I thought this would be a good flavour to use because the earth is green, and so will go with the colour of the map.

Here is some raspberry cupcakes, because I like fruity cakes, and could use this as the flavouring. However, it wouldn't have much relevance to my audience or cake.

Here is an oreo cupcake, and I thought this would be a good recipe to use because on the poll that I did, most people chosen Chocolate Fudge as their favourite flavour.

Here is an example of letters being drawn onto cupcakes, and I could do it like this or actually carve icing and place it on top of the cupcake.

I needed an outline of the world map so that I could trace it on to the top of the cake.

I then started to research some of the famous fonts that I could use on top of the cake.

There a few routes I could go down:
  • The four font families:
  • Gothic
  • Roman
  • Block
  • Script

  • The ways type was produced before the digital age:
  • Stone
  • Sable
  • Wood
  • Metal
  • Silicone
  • Bone

  • Famous Typefaces such as:
  • Helvetica
  • Gill Sans
  • Baskerville
  • Times New Roman etc

Or I could go for a mixture of these.

So I am now looking at different fonts, and where they or the designer originated from so that I can work out what location to put them on the cake.

This monospaced typeface is one of my favourites, and it was initally designed by Bud Howard. It was later altered by Adrian Frutiger when it was used for the IBM Selectric Typewriters.

This is one of my favourite typefaces, and I am using it now for this bodycopy. It was designed by Matthew Carter in 1993, and was used by Microsoft. Carter was British, so I would put this font on England.

Designed by John Baskerville in Birmingham in 1757, this typeface has been popular for hundreds of years.

Probably the most famous typeface, it was designed in Switzerland by Max Miedinger.

Eric Gill was a british typographer, and this font first appeared in Bristol, so it would be placed there on the map.

Rodchenko was a constructivist, and this is some of his work. This type would be good to feature to show something from Russia.

I wanted to find an oriental font, that mimicked the sable style. So I went onto dafont on the Japanase/Chinese section to find some.

This is a slab serif, designed at the Monotype Foundry. The Monotype Foundry was based in Massachusetts therefore I would place it there on the map.

Cake Recipes
I now needed the recipes for a chocolate fudge cake, as my poll suggested that was the favourite; a recipe for my cupcakes which I think I should also do chocolate related to fit in with the big cake and a recipe for frosting to cover the cake and cupcakes.

Here is how to make my chocolate butter cream for the cupcakes: 

There are two variations to making Oreo cupcakes here and here:

The first one is this recipe:

However, when I started reading the recipe, although it does sound delicious, it involves icecream in it, and I don't know how I would store it overnight without it going frozen in the freezer, or melt in the fridge so that is why I started looking for a different recipe which is:

I got all of these ingredients, and also thought that I could use this buttercream frosting recipe, and add food colouring to it.

Here is the method and ingredients for the chocolate fudge cake that I used:

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