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OUGD401 - Harvard Referencing

We have to write a 3000 word essay, with a choice of five essay titles, which are the following:

1. Focussing on specific examples, describe the way that modernist art and design was a response to the forces of modernity.

2. Choosing a particular period from 1800 to present, in what way has art and design responded to the changing social and cultural forces of that period.

3. Could it be argued that fine art ought to be assigned more 'value' than more popular forms of visual communication?



I think I am going to focus on the first question, which is about modernism. I have decided to look into this question further because the lecture we had on it was my favourite one so far, and I really like the simplicity and practicality which comes with the modernist characteristics.

We need an introduction and a conclusion; it has to be written in 3rd person; there has to be appropriate references to at least four academic sources and a bibliography of at least 10 sources using the harvard referencing system.

We have to find five books in relation to the question we are going to choose, and show how we would harvard reference them, as this is what we will be doing in the essay.

Klanten, R., Hellige, H. (2011) The Modernist, Berlin, Die Gestalten Verlag, 741.605.

Kennedy, A., (2006) Bauhaus, London, Flame Tree Publishing, 709.43.

Barnard, M., (2005) Graphic Design as Communication, London and New York, Routledge, 741.601.

Harris, J., Wood, P., Frascina, F., Harrison, C., (1993) Modernism in Dispute: Art Since the Forties, London, Yale University Press, 709.06.

Harrison, C., (1997) Modernism, London, Tate Publishing, 709.06.

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