This is the most well known app to use the card swiping interface. It is a dating app, which shows the user an image and they can swipe (or click) yes or no.
I like the simple use of iconography as buttons here as it maximises the use of space. Thinking of what interactions could go on the results are 'no' 'maybe' and 'favourite'.
I like this clean interface and I think the colour hierarchy makes it clear where to look and shows different functionality such as buttons, headings, where to click etc.
Comparing the use of text over photography with text over a white background shows how much more readable using a white background is in my opinion. Selecting certain bits of info could be a good idea to feature over an image such as no and maybe.
In my mind this is similar to how my app would look because I feel I would have a similar layout with the tabs - although mine wouldn't be tabs, just bits of info about the film. I know I already want to use an image heavy layout at the top as well.
I also like how this uses line seperaters to show different segments of information as it is clean and easy to digest. Using a mixture of type, iconography and photography makes it fresh and varied.
This app uses iconography as well as a small description to show its meaning. I don't know whether this is good user experience, as surely an icon is supposed to represent words yet this explains the icon. However, it also clears and confusion for the user as icons can be ambiguous. This is something I will need to consider because I want to include icons on the results about key themes in the film - such as wedding, death, tears etc.
Instead of using icons, this app uses words to express someones interests. This might be a clearer way to display the info - but not as fun!
This app also utilises a filter by mood, using icons and words for the user to select multiple options at a time. This layout allows there to be a lot of options on one page.
I like how a lot of iconography is used here, and it seems that is actually really popular to have text accompany the icon. The different background opacities create hierarchy and make it easy for the user to see where to look.
Weotta is another app which uses the card swiping interface. It finds events and things to do in different cities based on people's interests. Here the user can see a snippet of what the previous and next card have on them.
Swell is another app which uses a card swiping interface, which is adapted to finding a podcast.
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