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OUGD601 - Methodologies and Critical Analysis


How the information you have found is

  • sourced
  • collected
  • collated
  • presented
Think of a methodology at this stage
  • what am I researching
  • why am I researching it
Picking a methodology is about picking a side

Choose a theoretical standpoint

1. Take the question and decide on methods

1. Make decisions about how to collect/order information
2. Choose a relevant theoretical stand point
3. Apply these to your study
4. Explicitly outline this in the introduction. Address suggested failings in the conclusion.

Dissertation will have a number of chapters addressing different elements

Introduction will outline methodical approach, and identify why I chose that, and break down the different components.

How is my choice of topic influenced by my emotions; aspirations; context?

What is the evidence for what I'm saying?

Evidence based on research, logical and reasoned methodological approach, argument

what do I want to say?
Have I got the evidence to back it up?
Where else do I need to look in order to find more evidence?

Am I expressing myself clearly and logically?

Move from the general to the specific

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