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COP3 - Tutorial

I had my first tutorial with Simon yesterday.


  • Reword title - To what extent do lifestyle apps improve everyday life?
  • Google scholar - search for apps, app design, mobile digital culture
  • Focus on productivity/lifestyle apps
  • Primary research - case study and a focus group
  • Look at user experience - why are apps successful?
  • Just because something is usable doesn't mean it's useful or it has a good user experience
  • Commercial aspects - advertising in apps
I definitely felt like it was a good idea to reword the title, and I am happy with that. I also think a focus group is a good idea to get information out of people, as opposed to my initial primary research ideas mentioned in my presentation.

My Notes
  • How popular are apps - look at statistics
  • Focus group: how often do you use apps, why, focus on one app/broad range, record it
  • In what way do apps improve/what ways don't they - essay structure
  • Alway focus on to what extent
  • Intro - defining what I mean by lifestyle, everyday tasks and apps
  • Break structure down into three things - beginning, middle, end
  • Look at ways which apps help/hinder us

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