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COP3 - Disseration Presentation

Having had the Summer to think more about what I want to do for my dissertation, I was able to think of a more focussed idea for my presentation. Although it is still on the web, it differs a lot from where I was in 2nd year. I now want to look at how apps have impacted on the everyday tasks in our lives.

Here is my presentation:

Feedback was positive, and that it is a good, current theme to look at. The only thing I would need to take a look at is my practical - it could be a paradox to design an app if my dissertation says we are too dependant on them. I also need to think how I would show it working as I can't build an app - so that would be through video. I am trying to learn video for my extended practice briefs, so that could come in handy for this too.

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