
COP3 - Study Support

Last year I had a study support session and that really helped me with my essay, especially coming up with a structure which I find hard. So I decided to book one early this time so I can make the most of the help.

I went in and said I wanted to look at the structure of the essay and what to include. I felt the session was very useful, because for some reason talking about it helped me think of more ideas/critiques I could include.


  • Instead of satisfying a need, they create one - WaterLogged, Ref Me
  • Sleep analyser - tracks sleep quality - unneccessary, even though it gives us satisfaction of doing something well. This is called self affirmation. 
  • We use these apps but don't know why
  • Apps make us lazy - RefMe - they take away responsibility to learn, but do we need that?
  • Are the fitness ones helpful?
  • Apps are fashionable - Strava run, myfitnesspal. Creates competition - like the sleep one as well, they create satisfaction in productiveness and performance
  • How dependant are we on apps
  • Billsplitter - useful if you are sharing a house
  • How intrusive are apps
  • Plethora of apps - some exist because they are fun to design i.e. weather apps
  • Focus group help
To Do:
  • Look at jstor and google scholar - terms like smartphone apps are useful
  • Intro 650
  • 750 - background and history, facts about apps
  • How useful apps are with examples, theory, focus group/primary research - 3 sections, 750wrds each
  • Critique of app - with examples of apps as mentioned above - makes us lazy, creates needs, unneccessary, dependant etc, focus group/primary research - 3 sections, 750 words each
  • Conclusion 650 words

COP3 - Tutorial

I had my first tutorial with Simon yesterday.


  • Reword title - To what extent do lifestyle apps improve everyday life?
  • Google scholar - search for apps, app design, mobile digital culture
  • Focus on productivity/lifestyle apps
  • Primary research - case study and a focus group
  • Look at user experience - why are apps successful?
  • Just because something is usable doesn't mean it's useful or it has a good user experience
  • Commercial aspects - advertising in apps
I definitely felt like it was a good idea to reword the title, and I am happy with that. I also think a focus group is a good idea to get information out of people, as opposed to my initial primary research ideas mentioned in my presentation.

My Notes
  • How popular are apps - look at statistics
  • Focus group: how often do you use apps, why, focus on one app/broad range, record it
  • In what way do apps improve/what ways don't they - essay structure
  • Alway focus on to what extent
  • Intro - defining what I mean by lifestyle, everyday tasks and apps
  • Break structure down into three things - beginning, middle, end
  • Look at ways which apps help/hinder us

COP3 - Initial Research

I started looking at different apps/websites before my presentation to see what I would want to include in my essay.

Helpful Apps

Uber Taxi

  • Taxi App
  • Allows user to book taxi, pay through app, visually see where taxis are and can split the fare with friends
  • Popular app, does improve mundane task
  • Well designed interface 

Centralway Banking
  • Manage all bank accounts from one app
  • Monitor transactions in a timeline
  • Automatic forecast for future spending
  • Bank transfers
  • Notifications
  • Catergories
  • Spending analysis
  • Well designed interface
Bill Splitting Apps 
  • Split wise does the maths, shows you clearly IOUs
  • More bill splitting apps
Rail Passengers

Apps that have created needs

Ref Me
  • Scan barcode of a book, harvard references for you
  • Is it useful, or does it make us lazy
  • Takes away responsibility to learn
  • App created for something our mind can teach us
  • Tracks how much water you've drank
  • Tells you when to drink more water
  • App created for something our body can tell us
  • Analyses our sleep pattern
  • Tells us duration of sleep, quality of sleep
  • Self affirmation - makes us feel positive when we have achieved something, even though it is pointless
  • This can make us feel less guilty of being dependant on apps, as we have 'achieved' something
Dinner Time
  • Ten apps to help you choose dinner - content overload
  • Instead of reading recipe book, we use recipe apps
  • You can add ingredients to your shopping list on iFood Assistant
Organising Apps

Apps that exist because of technology

Focus Out
  • Blocks apps that are distracting us so we can do work
  • Select apps, choose time, and requires a hard task to unblock them before that time
  • Is it good, or ironic that we need an app to stop distraction from other apps
  • App that stores all your passwords - for when you are connected to that many accounts/apps you can't remember

People's Thoughts 

Medium Articles


  • Screenshots of apps
50 Apps
  • Article with examples
  • The Digital Diet
  • The Present Shock
  • The People's Platform
  • The Parent App
  • 100 Ideas That Changed the Web

COP3 - Initial Idea

Initial Question Ideas
Initially, I was looking at a few different questions:

  • How has the internet changed the way we live life and digest information
  • Has it gone too far? Or has it adapted to our needs?
  • How has the web made life easier?
  • How has it improved awareness of global issues?
  • How has the internet made information more accessible?
  • Do we have an over-reliance on all things digital, and whats the impact of that?
  • Do we overuse the internet for everyday tasks?
  • Have apps improved everyday life, or have they disrupted it?
  • Has the internet adapted to our needs, or has it created them?

From this, I looked at how to focus it down, and what I was interested in. Internet is a vague term, so I wanted to narrow this down to websites and apps. I found a few websites when researching, but mainly apps, so I decided to narrow it down further and only focus on apps.

Areas of Interest
I want to look at how it has created or adapted our needs, and with a focus on lifestyle apps - apps that exist to improve everyday tasks. Therefore, I decided to roll with the working title 'Have apps improved everyday life, or have they disrupted it?' for now.

COP3 - Disseration Presentation

Having had the Summer to think more about what I want to do for my dissertation, I was able to think of a more focussed idea for my presentation. Although it is still on the web, it differs a lot from where I was in 2nd year. I now want to look at how apps have impacted on the everyday tasks in our lives.

Here is my presentation:

Feedback was positive, and that it is a good, current theme to look at. The only thing I would need to take a look at is my practical - it could be a paradox to design an app if my dissertation says we are too dependant on them. I also need to think how I would show it working as I can't build an app - so that would be through video. I am trying to learn video for my extended practice briefs, so that could come in handy for this too.

OUGD601 - Methodologies and Critical Analysis


How the information you have found is

  • sourced
  • collected
  • collated
  • presented
Think of a methodology at this stage
  • what am I researching
  • why am I researching it
Picking a methodology is about picking a side

Choose a theoretical standpoint

1. Take the question and decide on methods

1. Make decisions about how to collect/order information
2. Choose a relevant theoretical stand point
3. Apply these to your study
4. Explicitly outline this in the introduction. Address suggested failings in the conclusion.

Dissertation will have a number of chapters addressing different elements

Introduction will outline methodical approach, and identify why I chose that, and break down the different components.

How is my choice of topic influenced by my emotions; aspirations; context?

What is the evidence for what I'm saying?

Evidence based on research, logical and reasoned methodological approach, argument

what do I want to say?
Have I got the evidence to back it up?
Where else do I need to look in order to find more evidence?

Am I expressing myself clearly and logically?

Move from the general to the specific

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