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OUGD504 - Design for Print: Ticket Research

As I want to design my cards in the style of tickets or something you would use in a journey, I thought I would research them.

Here are some ticket designs that I found:

Event Ticket Design
These monochrome tickets have a good contrast of image and type, and is something to bear in mind when doing my own tickets because I want to show of the process and having an image would be a good way of doing so. The type is simple, and has just enough information on to be clear on what it is.

Event Ticket Design @?? ?? Koninckx Sorenson

This is an unconventional ticket with the guitar strings, and I think it definitely makes you look twice. The tickets I produce will also be unconventional as they would use traditional printing methods, and I think this is important so that they stand out in the print room and are appealing to students who perhaps aren't interested in print yet.

Clever ticket design for a Music & Arts Festival in London.

I like this infographic style ticket, and I think it works well with the type of information as it's short and sweet. I think it's quite a contemporary style, but still looks traditional with the shape and colours.

I really like the design of these tickets, as they have the perforated line and seem to be heavily influenced by real boarding passes. I like the layout and infographic style of it, as it is very clear and easy to read.

These vintage style tickets look good because of their simplicity and I think the stock choice makes them stand out to the viewer, whereas I don't think they would if they were white. This is something I need to consider, because the stock will affect the tone of voice and overall finish.

I like the simplicity of these tickets, and how the 'SAT' and 'VOGUE' are printed by what looks like a stamp as it gives a hand produced feel to it. 

Type Factory
I love the stock these tickets are printed on, and I think the black stands out really well on it. I also like how there is a perforated section to rip off, and I think this is a good way of imitating a ticket style. Maybe I could incorporate this into my own work, and have perforated examples so people can take them away from the room? I also think this would be a good layout for my own tickets as it is quite simple and easy to understand. I don't think I want to go into great detail on the actual ticket with information, just enough so that the student knows what the process is, what it does, how long it takes and where to go to achieve it, as they can then ask the tutors more specific questions.

I like the idea of creating a boarding pass rather than a ticket, as they are a bit bigger so I could fit more information on them and they are seen as more of a exotic journey as it takes you further than a train ticket.

graphic-exchange - a selection of graphic projects

Wanderlust Hotel
I love the branding for this hotel, and think that they have been really clever with the concept of travel across the branding. I love the attention to detail on the envelope lining, the shape of the tags to look like luggage tags and the tickets which have the room rates.

By Invite Only
I love these tickets because they all use different processes and stocks - wood, foiling, different shapes etc, but they still seem to work together as a pack due to the same logo being used and the overall aesthetics. I think this is something I need to think about with my own work as some processes might work better than others on different stocks and in different styles.

I like the shape of this one, and how along the perforated line there are indentations to make this more prominent. I like the infographic style, and to me the colour looks like a subtle colour blend, and this is a technique that I want to try somewhere along the project as I have already experimented with it through monoprinting.

I like how the brand is consistent across a range of mediums, as I think that I will have a couple of different formats such as cards, location icons and maybe a zine, and my designs will have to work on all formats. This is an important thing to consider as I want people to recognise that the formats are connected to each other and relate. However, I think the actual design of this branding is a bit too simple for me, and I don't think that the tickets here stand out. Even though I want simplicity, I think I would add more information to my own tickets.

These tickets are packaged in a simple card holder, and this is something I'm going to think about because I will need to think of a way to keep the cards stored and protected while people aren't using them. Creating a envelope package like this would be relevant because it is what tickets arrive in, but it might not be suitable for a wide range of them which need to be packaged together.

I love the simplicity and minimalist design of these tickets, and I think this is a similar approach I am going to take for my own designs and let the finish of the processes stand out, as this is what I want the students to notice.

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