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OUGD504 - Design for Print: Journey

As my concept is a Journey Through Print, I decided to research into what formats, information and language is used in travel branding.

I saw this on an East Coast train, and it is a reserved ticket. I think the language is very relaxed and informal, as it uses text language, a friendly slab serif and a conversational tone of voice. This is something I want to use in the language of my project because it is for people that don't know about print and feel it's quite a daunting area.

I then searched instagram for #trainstations as I was struggling to find advertisements through an image search and people take a lot of photos while waiting for trains. I found this which has a lot of poster advertisements showing how prominent they are in train stations. This is a format I want to use within my own project.

These adverts for East Coast are printed on billboards and in poster form, and again use the conversational tone of voice which makes them approachable. I really like these adverts because they are very clear and are quite light-hearted.

I couldn't find many advertisements on the internet so I decided to go to the train station and surrounding areas and take some photographs myself of the advertising there.

I took this picture from my front garden as it is on the billboard on the corner which is convenient. This is the advertisement I was thinking of when I came up with the idea for one of my posters 'From Paint to Press in 10 Minutes'. It's short and snappy and gets the point across in one sentence.

East Coast have a series of posters with short taglines on them and text language to create an informal conversational tone with viewers. The design of them is simple and bright to get the message across quickly and stand out to the viewer.

This is a poster for Transpennine express, and is a lot more busy than the East Coast posters. I don't think this is very professional and looks quite childish, so I wouldn't want to incorporate any ideas of this into my own work.

Another East Coast poster is similar to the others in that it uses a short heading at first to grab your attention, and then more information about it underneath. I think the images goes well with the heading and portrays a clear message.

I like this simple poster as the image and text directly relate to each other so the viewer can't interpret it any other way.

Although I don't like this poster as I find it quite boring and unappealing, I wanted to have a banner at the bottom of the poster where I would put the logo, so it is good to see that travel posters do this because then my designs will correlate to my concept well.

This is a train sign, which says there have been delays due to sheep on the line, which fits in with and shows relevance my poster idea of having sheep on train tracks.

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