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OUGD403 Alphabet Soup - Typeface

I am making a typeface based on a person in my class, and as her favourite font is American Type Writer, I decided to look at that and other typewriter fonts. I want to create a font that resembles the ones used on a typewriter, as it represents my partner well, and the reasons why can be found on my design practise blog.

American Type Writer - This is Charlie's favourite typeface, and as we had to base our font on an original one, I decided to base it on this. From this, I found three similar fonts...

Better Type Right - In the group crit we had, Amber suggested to create a font which was slightly uneven, with parts of letters at different angles, or just not completely precise. I decided to take this on board, and found a typewriter font which did just that. In my first alphabet sketch I drew one similar, and took it to Illustrator. However, when I finished it, I thought it seemed to unorganized.

Courier - This font is monospaced, meaning each letter is the same width as the last. This is what all original fonts were on a typewriter, so that each line was aligned. I made the first font I designed monospaced, but I think because I also made it slightly uneven like Better Type Right, it didn't quite work. It made it look unproportioned, and I think it only works well if it has a lot of straight serifs, rather than curved.
 Ernestine - After I didn't like my first typeface, I decided to look at Ernestine, and create another one based on this. I looked at the serifs in particular, and noted how it doesn't look robotic like Courier, but still keeps the typewriter style. I took this on board into my own font, and was very happy with the result.

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