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OUGD403 Alphabet Soup: Visual Thinking

Part of the brief criteria was to base all the letterforms on existing fonts and designs. Therefore I started coming up with a lot of visual research so I could broaden my ideas, and base my letters on them.

I think this shows dissection because you need to examine the outline to see the pattern which is one definition of dissect, and the 'fill' has been removed.

 This shows dissection because the ink has been dissected through using water, and there is only an outline and shadow.

 I really like this example, as part of the strokes are missing to depict dissect.
 I thought that this could be dissect, as there are parts of the letter cut out to reveal an illustration.
 I really like this example because there are only faint lines to suggest a couple of letters, but it is still clear enough to know what they are, and I like how it appears so unfinished.
 I thought this would be a good example of dissect because the way the paper is ripped suggests cutting into the letter which is what dissect means.
 I really like this letter, and it could be dissect as it appears to be pieced together as it is made up of seperate curves.
 Rather than the letter, I thought this would be a good way to dissect the actual material which the letter is drawn with.
 I thought this was a good use of materials as the letter could easily by dissected by just removing the pins.
 Cutting up body parts to study the anatomy is the main thing that is associated with dissecting.
 This is a good example of dissect, as the letters are cut in half to create the shape of the letters.
This is another good example of dissecting the ink - using watercolour and then splashing water on the letter to distort it.
 This is a papercut letter which depicts dissect as part of the letter is cut out with a scalpel, which is what is used to dissect things with.

 I liked this example because the different shapes distort the letterform, and because they are going in different directions it also dissects the letterform.

 I thought elements of this could be dissect - how the inside connects up using dots.
 I really like this type as parts of the letterform are missing yet you can still tell what the letters are, and it is very clear.
 I thought this was a good example of hand produced type, and I like how the brushstroke is heavier in some parts than others.
 I like how these show the letterforms degenerating which is what I imagine when dissecting a letter.
 As the second definition to dissect is to examine closely, I thought this fitted that explanation well.
 The presentation of this letterform only shows part of the letter which I thought was a nice subtle effect of dissection.
I really like how this physical object has been dissected to create a letterform.

A lot of these examples influenced me in creating my letterforms, although some of the letterforms I created I thought of by sketching ideas.

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