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OUGD503 - Responsive: Matthew Savage Photography

This is all the research I did for this brief. I didn't really look at any portfolio websites as I didn't want to get influenced by them, as they are all pretty similar.

Jon Wyatt
The client told me a photographer's website that he liked, regarding the monochrome and clean style as well as the navigation. I had a look to see the sort of style that he wanted to go for. The navigation is actually pretty hard to use because it is at the bottom of the page, so hard to see, and has a fading feature when you hover over it. This brings up the sub navigation. I like to see the albums on a portfolio website so you can visually choose what you want to look at, but you don't have that option here.

I find the images awkwardly placed in the middle of the page.

At the bottom of the images on the album pages you can hover over the pagination to see what pictures there are which is helpful for the user.

This is what the navigation looks like. It's unfamiliar to the user because it's at the bottom.

Aside from being hard to use, I understand the style - clean, minimal and monochrome. I can work with that.

I wanted to create SVG for the site, which are scalable vector graphics. This means they can be scaled at any size and not pixelate, which is what are used on responsive sites. I didn't know how to do it, so I googled it. Turns out it's really easy, all you do is save a file to the format .svg. 

 Paul Boekhout
I wanted to see how other people used portrait and landscape images together, so I looked at this website.
There is one image per screen, so black has been used on the sides of portrait images. This is something I considered but didn't know if people did it because it could look messy. However, it is done here what is considered to be a good design, so I feel better about it now. I do think it is better if there is no gap between images, but this is something I can talk to my client about.

Facebook Vector
I wanted a Facebook icon vector to link to his facebook page, so I found a free vector pack that I could download.

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