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OUGD406 - From Theory Into Practice

I had a crit this week in the context session, telling everybody my idea so far, and got feedback from it. Here is my project proposal:

Project Proposal

I intend to explore the relationship between:
Different cameras that have been invented over time
The technical aspect of making a camera (make your own pinhole)
How the inventions affected society and how it was recorded
I intend to (inform/instruct/persuade/direct/educate/promote):
I intend to instruct and educate people about the different cameras and advancements that came before the modern day digital camera, and how to make your own working camera, so that they know how it works.
... a group of (identify your specific audience or context):
I would like to either aim at children (the jigsaw puzzle book concept), to be read with an adult, as I think that using the jigsaw would be a way of engaging them and getting them to interact with something that they might not necessarily have been interested in otherwise. If I didn't do the jigsaw puzzle idea, but kept the making your own pinhole camera, I would aim it at creative individuals, probably 16-25 year olds, who are interested in creating something themselves and in photography.
... that (message/idea/concept):
The concept that I have is to have a make your own pinhole camera kit within a book, so that  when people read about the different cameras in the book, it will sink in to them how it works and how to use it, because they will make their own, rather than just read about it. If I use the jigsaw puzzle book it will encourage children to think about what they are learning, cause they will have to think about the picture they are trying to put together.
In order to achieve this I will produce:
I wanted to make a jigsaw puzzle book which could be made out of wood or cardboard - I'm not really sure which stock would be best. I would use the lasercutter to make the shape of the jigsaws, and possibly the net for the pinhole camera. I might screenprint or letterpress it, depending on what stock I use, as it might not be able to be printed on.

For the make your own pinhole camera idea, people from 13+ would understand it.

Kids won't understand complicated cameras (after the crit a lot of people disagreed with this, and said not to listen to this piece of feedback)

Would cameras fit into the social and political side of things we get marked on

Illustrated posters

Definitely do the make your own pinhole camera idea.

To be honest I didn't find this crit helpful at all, I had specific questions I wanted answers to, not people's opinions on my idea, as I had already talked to a lot of my peers about it. Not everybody contributed to everyone's feedback and I think this is because we only had 5 minutes each and we felt a bit rushed. At the end of it, I was even more confused about what I wanted to do, as one person had shot my idea down about the jigsaw puzzle book and I didn't want to do it anymore.

So afterwards I decided to think it through again, keeping the make your own pinhole camera aspect. I have now decided to do a brief history of Lomography. It is still a type of camera, in fact it is a analog camera movement, and is quite experimental, so will fit in with the make your own pinhole camera kit. 

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