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OUGD404 - What Is A Book?

As I am designing a book with the content of 10 things you should know about graphic design, I have done some research on the type of editorial design that I like.

Newwork magazine

I like the monochrome design, as it is still visually enticing and very striking. It has also made me realise that not every page has to follow the same grid, and it can still look consistent, as a lot of the content I have differs in size, and some include images, some don't etc, so I will need a different grid on a lot of the pages. I am a fan of minimalistic design, so I find this magazine very appealing. I also like the stock it is printed on to, as it isn't a pure white which would have given it a completely different tone. 


What I noticed in Nozine, is that although most pages follow a different grid, they all have the same margins, same font for the bodycopy, and each magazine follows the same colour scheme. This allows for the magazine to look consistent, but at the same time each page is different to the last.

I have made a board for Editorial and web design, so I can get a better idea of grid systems on Pinterest.

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