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OUGD501 - Theory Into Practice: Concept

After thinking of two initial ideas, I thought more about it and came up with a full concept.

I want to create a one page, long scrolling website which visually shows web trends and lets users vote if they think it has worked or not to see how effective they are.
To do this I was thinking of having a full size page for each trend, an introduction about it and then an example where the user can choose which they prefer. At the end, the results will be shown so the user can see how effective they have been.
As there is so many conflicting views on the subject, this would be a good way to visually see what people prefer.

This is my idea for the layout of it:

I then annotated each page with my initial ideas:


Home Page
One page, long scroll
Enlarge text option
High contrast colour

Resizable desktop version of website to show tablet and phone version
Quote to show designers thoughts about it

Flat vs Skeuomorphic
A flat and skeuomorphic version of a logo
Click which you prefer - vote
Nav style buttons show how how many there is to do 

Type Led
Type led and non type led version
Click which you prefer

Would update
Shows results of what people have said

The audience will be people interested in usability and accessibility in the web, mainly developers and UI/UX designers. They want to keep up to date with the trends, as they change yearly. This topic is also a big debate for designers and developers, so they will want to see another person's view on the topic.

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