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OUGD405: Research, Collect, Communicate: Product

As I have now finished coming up with the recipes, which are on my my design practise blog, here are the sources of how I thought of them:

Butternut Squash and Swede Soup
I thought of combining squash and swede together, then I combined the recipe I found in the Kitchen Front Recipe book for the watercress soup and a roasted butternut squash and swede soup recipe I found here.

Pumpkin Soup
I decided to do a pumpkin soup because it is a hearty meal, and it is in season at the end of the year. I combined the method from the watercress soup recipe in the Kitchen Front Recipe book, and two pumpkin soup recipes I found on the internet which can be found here and here. The first link is a wartime pumpkin soup recipe which I thought was appropriate.

Rabbit Stew
I decided to do rabbit stew because my Grandma  used to eat it during the second world war, it was in the Kitchen Front Recipe book and it was also featured in an episode of the Hairy Bikers Best of British, where I found the recipe to online and referenced from that, which can be found here.

Vegetable Stew
My granddad and grandma said they used to eat this with whatever leftover vegetables that their mothers had, and I make it myself and know that it is a simple recipe to make. I combined my own knowledge of how to make stew and parts of the Vegetable Hot-Pot recipe which was in the Kitchen Home Front recipe book.

This was my own recipe and I decided to use it because it is very simple to make, doesn't use a lot of ingredients and fish wouldn't have had to been imported during the war because Britain is surrounded by water.

Fish Pudding
This was a recipe featured in the Kitchen Front Recipe book, but I didn't write down any notes about it, so I found a recipe on the internet which can be found here.

Shepherd's Pie
This was a simpled down version of my own recipe of Shepherd's Pie. I decided to use this because the vegetables can be grown in a garden, and mince meat is one of the cheapest bits of meat you can buy. 

Beef Pot-Roast
This was one of the recipes from the Kitchen Front Recipe book and I used that for help on how to write the method as well as a recipe that I found online here.

British Fruit Pie
I decided to call this British Fruit Pie as I would be including fruits which could be grown here in the recipe, as they wouldn't have been able to import them during the war. There was a stewed fruit pie in the Kitchen Front Recipe book which is why I decided to use it. I looked at a few recipes online, but looked at this one in particular.

Rice Pudding
This is something my Grandma used to eat as a child during the war, and was mentioned in the recipe book I looked at, so I decided to include this. I looked at an old-fashioned rice pudding online here.

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