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OUGD401 - Creative Advertising Lecture Notes

History of Creative Advertising

Large scale colour printing technology developed 19c.

Advertising, The most fun you can have with your clothes on! (R4, 2009)

Robin Wight (WCRS) - 118 118 and The Futures Bright, The Futures Orange

Bill Berndach - first to combine copywright and art direction

Lever Brothers founders James Darcy and William Hesketh Lever (1885)
Ubiquitious brand

George Cruikshank (etching) All of the world going to see the exhibiton of 1851
About the big exhibition in London

Colour printing was practised until well into the 19th century, with publications generated by the Great Exhibition of 1851.

An essential componant of any competitive market economy

1860s cereal company Kelloggs figured out how to print, fold and fill cardboard boxes mechanically

Lever was first one to pre package a tablet of soap - same sized bar each time, as beforehand it was sold in a grocers in a long bar which was cut up
It added brand value through packaging

Technological progress reproduction and colour printing, pictorial ads in magazines in 1860s.

1890s technology enabled contemporary paintings to be reproduced

Ad transformed company from a local soap manufactor in 1885, Unilever, is now one of the biggest companies

The New Frock, 1889, William Powell, soap ad

Children were popular subjects in 1850s as they signifed joy, purity and innocence

A Dress Rehearsal, 1888, Leverhulme used it for 1889 advertisement As Good As You
He would pick paintings to be in his advertisements
Emotional stratedy enhanced by naturalism of Newlyn school
Implies dress worn by brides mother passing down beauty secrets

First creative advertising
Selecting + presenting contemporary art work from Royal Academy communicated more powerfully the desired message.

A list of ads were text based only on shop fronts (1960s)

Hegarty 2011 - Advertising from the moment it was born, was trying to entertain us.

Beginning of 20th century, creative advertising agencies began offering a creative service.
Medicine, soap and chocolate are among foremost to be advertised globally

The Wedding Morning, (1892)

Royal endorsement from 1892, soap makers to Queen Vic
'Queens will only have the best... Sunlight soap is so cheap everyone can afford to use it'

One method of advertising was to capture children - in packs of soap you could collect free dolls with interchangeable clothes and collect coupons for encyclopedias

Lever thought train doors would be good to advertise on as they are always left open at station
He avoided advertising in left wing newspapers. He was among the innovators of advertising experise.

Many of his ads emphasised Sunlight would save women from drudgery as soap would make washing quicker

Advertisers made it their busines to persuade customers of their hygiene. If one wished to gain a job, self-esteem and partner they would have to smell good.

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